Cata Global I.O. Network Software Agreement

Cata Global I.O. is a subsidiary service of Cata Black Car Corp., 3301 NE 1 Ave, Miami, FL, 33137. These are the terms and conditions between Cata Global I.O. Network and anyone using the Cata Global software platform including:
The CLIENT or anyone using the software on their behalf as in any Independent Operator (I.O.), Event Organizer, Agents, Travel agents, secretaries, concierge, private persons, etc. The current terms and conditions apply, they are available on our website and in the applications as well.
Cata Global I.O. Network is a software company that provides the necessary tools for passenger’s transportation services through our dedicated unique applications on smart phones, Kiosk web booking tool, special dashboards dedicated for independent operators to be fully operational.
Cata Global I.O. is a software that enables the Clients or anyone using the software on its behalf to create accounts and request transportation services for multiple occasions and the independent operators to engage and accept the offers directly thru the software.
This agreement constitutes as a binding contract between CATA GLOBAL I.O., a subsidiary of Cata Black Car Corp software company based in Miami Florida and any entity referred to as CLIENT accessing and using the software platform.
CLIENT referred to as in any person who access the software platform or and anyone accessing on behalf of the CLIENT.
By accepting this agreement, either by accessing and using a Service through any parts of our software platform, either by you as a Client or any entity authorized to access it on your behalf, you agree to be bound to the terms of this Agreement from the date of accessing and using the Software.


The Client or any other entity using the software on its behalf is responsible of ensuring that all the information that has been provided through Cata Global I.O. software is true, complete, and accurate. Each use, registration, etc., with a false, fraudulent, speculative, or similar purpose is prohibited. The same applies with automated registration procedures. The client confirms that the transportation services will be used for legal matters only. The Client or any entity using software on its behalf should enter proper method of payments required and have legal access to it, should have enough funds in the bank account to cover the expenses regarding the transportation requested.
Fees and Taxes. (The Client)

The Client or any entity that is using Cata Global I.O. Software on its behalf, agrees to pay for all Services requested and provided as set forth herein without offset. The Client must keep a valid credit card on file and have the sufficient funds necessary.
The client shall agree to pay for any No-show, early cancellations (if applicable) additional service requested, or any extra charges that might occur and if necessary.

Software Fees- For I.O.s Only.

I.O. (Independent Operators) are considered any self-employed, business owner, corporation (LLC., S. C., ETC) that has at least one vehicle in its fleet registered as a commercial vehicle for hire/passenger transportation services and wishes to use their vehicle(s) for hire, using Cata Global Software.
Only for independent operators who are requesting a full access of specific parts of the software to engage in, there is a subscription set to be paid monthly per vehicle, subscription prices are visible on the specific website and on the I.O. dashboard under vehicles details. I.O. shall authorize Cata Global I.O. to charge the credit card provided by the I.O. during the subscription process and maintain enough funds to continue the subscription if desire so.
The I.O. shall inform the credit card company about its monthly subscription with Cata Global I.O. for use of its software, in case it is requested to do so.
Cata Global I.O may modify the subscription fees in the future, with no less than thirty days prior notice, proper information will be posted thru the website and software and will be subject to new acceptance from the I.O. under new terms.

Rights granted to I.O. (Independent Operators)

Independent Operators will have the right to use parts of the software and its components limited only to use it for internal operations after the account is approved and monthly subscription is paid.
The software Cata Global I.O. will provide for each independent operator/or company full access to its own hub/dashboard and applications for passengers and drivers, only for internal use to conduct business.

Ownership and data collection. I.O. retains all ownership and intellectual property rights in I.O. data accounts. The term, I.O. “data” refers to all data entered in the software that belongs to I.O., entered and maintained as long the account is active.

2. OBLIGATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS - I.O. (Independent Operators)

I.O. may not remove or modify and program markings.
Modify or use components resulting in a Third party use for business operations.
Reverse engineering, disassembly, or any derivative work on parts of the software/services to promote, support or assist any third party on building or supporting products or services that creates competition on the Cata Global I.O. platform.
Not allowed to let a third party access your account, sell, rent, lease or transfer, assign, outsource, disclose any information regarding the software components.
Not allowed to share your individual account with other I.O. avoiding subscription.
I.O. account will be used only by the identified I.O. it was granted the access and not to be shared with third party.
No part of the Cata Global I.O. software programs allowed to be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form.

All Independent operators should avoid any third party accessing their accounts, should not post any sensitive information into the software regarding confidential personal information of I.O., own staff or I.O. clients, unnecessary documents besides the ones requested for sign up.
I.O. MUST obtain and maintain in good standing all commercial licenses provided from the creation of the account to the end of this agreement, provide, maintain, and add all licenses, permits and authorizations necessary to operate as a commercial transportation service business.

3. Fees and Taxes – for I.O.’s

I.O. agrees to pay for all Services as set forth without offset. All fees and sums paid under this Agreement are non-cancelable, nonrefundable.

Insurance. During the entire Term of this Agreement, The I.O. shall obtain and maintain proper commercial insurance to be able to operate and be part of our transportation software community, with following values as:
Coverage for comprehensive general liability in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and in the aggregate, for automobile liability insurance is required no less than $300.000 or as required by applicable law in each state, county, region.
All I.O. must add as Additional Insurer in their insurance policy:
Cata Black Car Corp DBA Cata Global I.O.: 3301 NE 1 Ave, Miami, FL, 33137. Email.

3. Fees and Taxes - for I.O.'s

I.O. agrees to pay for all Services as set forth without offset. All fees and sums paid under this Agreement are non-cancelable, nonrefundable.

Insurance. During the entire Term of this Agreement, The I.O. shall obtain and maintain proper commercial insurance to be able to operate and be part of our transportation software community, with following values as:
Coverage for comprehensive general liability in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and in the aggregate, for automobile liability insurance is required no less than $300.000 or as required by applicable law in each state, county, region.
All I.O. must add as Additional Insurer in their insurance policy:
Cata Black Car Corp DBA Cata Global I.O.: 3301 NE 1 Ave, Miami, FL, 33137. Email.

4.Cancellation of the Agreement (I.O.)

The Agreement is set to be effective from the date the I.O. is fully registered as a user and has a valid subscription set on. The agreement between parties shall continue unless either Party decides to terminate the agreement, with no less than 30 days prior notice. However, Cata Global I.O. reserves the right to terminate the agreement effective immediately upon a breach by the I.O., of its obligations under this agreement, including failure to pay for subscription when fees are due. If that occurs, all rights to access the software program by I.O. will be suspended indefinitely unless the I.O. decides to correct its breaching of terms of this agreement including subscription nonetheless all other failures that might be found in I.O. software account.
Per I.O. request, if the Agreement is terminated, I.O. shall request in writing to access its account solely for retrieving files and information that was stored into its account, access will be granted for no more than 7 days, at sole discretion of the software management. I.O. shall agree and acknowledge that all data entered by I.O. in the software might be deleted and irretrievable, after 1 week grace period.


Cata Global I.O. is not liable for any errors that occurred through our website or applications, internet correctness, reliability, completeness. Also, this applies to all types of damage, in general caused by errors, delays or interruptions of service, technical faults of the infrastructure, incorrect content, omissions, loss or deletion of data, viruses or any damages can result from the use of this online service. Also, Cata Global I.O. is not liable for the availability and functionality of the features offered.
Cata Global I.O. assumes no responsibility for any third party websites content, correctness and legality occurred via links referred by us or not.
Cata Global I.O. shall not be responsible and liable for failure of the communication networks and gateways, power outage, internet interruptions.
ANY liability for the services provided by INDEPENDENT OPERATORS through Cata Global I.O. software is excluded. Cata Global has no affiliation with any I.O., nor does it provide any type of insurance or coverage for. All independent operators have their own coverage from all aspects, operating their own vehicles.
The client must make any complaints that arise to our office as soon as possible and we will try to mediate the issue but not interfere.
Cata Global I.O. is not responsible for any theft, loss or damage of property, belongings carried out in the independent operators’ vehicles. Complaints regarding that are due ASAP and should be resolved within 30 days.


For Cata Global I.O. the protection of privacy and personal data is top priority. Our handling of personal data is in accordance with the laws required, collected information from the client and I.O. is stored on a server with high security protocols. Data is used solely for transportation services, and we don’t export any information to anyone outside our software database. The client agrees to the disclosure of such data for the purpose of fulfillment of the contract.
All information entered in our database for the purpose of creating and maintaining an account with us will be stored and protected from unauthorized access. The only reason for storing the data is for the possibility of recurring more transactions in the future, data is stored for a limited period up to 2 years in an PCI DSS certified payment provider. The credit cards information are stored by the banks (merchant provider), not by us. No confusion about that.


Cata Global I.O. is a subsidiary of Cata Black Car Corp software company registered in the State of Florida and is a registered trademark.
Any unlawful copy of the contents of our websites, smartphone applications or any platforms we have, will be subject to applicable copyrights laws.
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.